Students at F.W. Howay Elementary school are once again inviting the public to their spring fair at River Market.
This year’s fair is happening on Sunday, April 15 between 11 a.m. and 3 p.m. There will be handmade goods for sale by local artists as well as Howay students, including jewelry, crafts and other trinkets.
The event is a fundraiser for the elementary school’s parent advisory council (PAC). Table rentals are $40 for local businesses and $5 for students. Kids who want to donate their profits to charity can rent a table for free. (Last year, a group of nine Grade 4 students raised more than $130 for the Wildlife Rescue Association of B.C.)
The money collected through table rentals goes directly to the PAC, which uses the funds to pay for events and programs for the kids at the school, including in-school karate instruction, Fun Day, pancake breakfasts, holiday crafts and new books for the school library.
So mark April 15 in your calendars and don’t forget your wallet.
River Market is at 810 Quayside Dr.