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Bird flu arrives in Summerland, other B.C. towns

Avian flu has made its way to Summerland, and other small municipalities in British Columbia.
freerange rooster
Owners of flocks are urged to be vigilant and put preventative measures in place.

Avian flu has made its way to Summerland, and other small municipalities in British Columbia.

The Canadian Food Inspection Agency has identified small poultry flocks in Summerland, Peace River and Sechelt that have tested positive for the H5N1 avian influenza virus.

"The infected premises have been placed under quarantine by the CFIA and B.C.’s Ministry of Agriculture and Food has notified producers within a 10-kilometre radius about the positive test results," reads a news release rom the ministry.

Owners of flocks are urged to be vigilant and put preventative measures in place such as eliminating or reducing opportunities for poultry to encounter wild birds, reducing human access to the flock and increased cleaning, disinfection and sanitization of all things (including clothing and footwear) when entering areas where flocks are housed.

Avian flu has recently killed thousands of birds in Quebec.

Wild birds have also tested positive for H5 strains of avian influenza in multiple regions of the province. The Wild Bird Mortality Investigation Program toll-free hotline, 1 866 431-2473, accepts reports of dead wild birds from the public.

For more information about avian flu and how to respond, visit the Canadian Food Inspection Agency.