Party: N/A
Profession: Lawyer
Political experience (Ie.: how long have you been in office?): New and keen.
Why are you running?
I am a proud resident of New West. Our district has started a rebuilding process over the last year but we have more to do. A broader range of skills and perspectives on our board would be an asset. I am a lawyer trained to advocate and create solutions and the parent of two middle school kids. I am also passionate about public education. My goal is revitalize and modernize our school district so that our district is theplace to be. I have the drive, determination and the practical skills that will help get us there. I am stepping up for my community.
Top three issues you want to work on:
1. Prompt and efficient completion of high school.
2. Address needs of struggling students who are falling through the cracks
3. Responsible leadership - vigorous financial oversight, transparent, proactive decision-making, students and families as partners in the system
Contact info:
Follow me on Twitter: @kellysladekerr