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B.C. civic politicians seek clarity on rural mental health care

UBCM delegates say regional hospital districts need to be clear on delivery of rural mental health care
The Union of B.C. Municipalities' convention concludes Sept. 20 in Vancouver.

Regional hospital districts need to be clear on how they will provide rural mental health care, delegates to the Union of B.C. Municipalities (UBCM) annual general meeting have voted.

A resolution from Nelson said the number of those experiencing mental health and addictions issues continues to increase.

“There is a distinct lack of resources and treatment options for such individuals,” the resolution said.

Moreover, the resolution said, the provincial government has committed to expanding complex care, treatment and aftercare across the province to provide quality care to British Columbians where and when needed.

The issue, it said, is that there is a disconnect in how regional health authorities are advancing this commitment in rural areas.

Mental health, addictions

There resolution said the UBCM should encourage the province to mandate regional authorities to take a proactive approach to developing and implementing regional plans to address mental health and addiction issues. 

The UBCM in the past has supported resolutions seeking to address mental health and addictions in rural and remote communities, including: 

• a 2019 resolution asking for more funding for detox and rehabilitation throughout the province, particularity in rural and remote communities

• a 2010 resolution asking for, in part, for more harm reduction services, including detox and treatment beds, to be made available in every local government

• a resolution 2007 asking for more funding for detox centres in more areas of the province; and,

• a 2006 resolution asking for which asked for more regional detox centres.

The resolution passed with an amendment from Fernie Mayor Nic Milligan asking that funding be ensured for any changes.