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Human Resources & Education

Opinion: Manager mental health training should be mandatory – here’s why

Opinion: Manager mental health training should be mandatory – here’s why

Stigma, lack of support drive need for cultural shift in management
Learn how to respectfully disagree by being a seed planter not an opinion changer

Learn how to respectfully disagree by being a seed planter not an opinion changer

Respectful agreement may be alluring, but our real challenge is to learn to be better at respectful disagreement
Can a summer vacation really cure burnout?

Can a summer vacation really cure burnout?

Busy itineraries that have us hustling from one must-see spot to another don't exactly leave us feeling well-rested.
Canadians in crisis: The compelling case for more mental health benefits

Canadians in crisis: The compelling case for more mental health benefits

People need the flexibility and resources to continue their care for as long as necessary, with the ability to adjust the intensity of care as circumstances change.
The construction noise next to my office is unbearable. What must my boss do to accommodate us?

The construction noise next to my office is unbearable. What must my boss do to accommodate us?

Occupational health and safety laws generally impose a duty on employers to protect the health and safety of their workers.
Can a company pay me less during the three-month probation period?

Can a company pay me less during the three-month probation period?

Whether the practice is fair and whether it signals a bad firm culture depends on several factors
I want to come out at work. How should I go about it?

I want to come out at work. How should I go about it?

Also, the right steps to make a big change in your life, why Gen Z is looking for a job in finance and the high cost of workaholism
What managers are getting wrong about early-career Gen Z talent

What managers are getting wrong about early-career Gen Z talent

Gen Z has a lot of untapped potential – here’s how to make the most of the strengths they bring to your organization
More B.C. businesses embracing 4-day work weeks

More B.C. businesses embracing 4-day work weeks

The shift can attract talent and boost productivity, but doesn’t work for all firms, say experts
Workaholic executives short-change their teams, their families and themselves

Workaholic executives short-change their teams, their families and themselves

Most need support to identify their motivations, triggers and patterns toward workaholism