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A city for the N.E.X.T. generation

Tej Kainth is the marketing and visitor centre coordinator for Tourism New Westminster, but she's also the brainchild behind N.E.X.T. New West, a networking group for young residents and business professionals in the city. N.E.X.T.

Tej Kainth is the marketing and visitor centre coordinator for Tourism

New Westminster, but she's also the brainchild behind N.E.X.T. New West, a networking group for young residents and business professionals in the city. N.E.X.T. New West holds monthly get-togethers that foster community and connections. Kainth explains the group's evolution since it started in 2009 and also says what she thinks is "next" for New West.

Niki Hope: What is N.E.X.T. New West?

Tej Kainth: N.E.X.T. New West is a social group aimed at connecting young professionals that live and/or work in New West. N.E.X.T stands for network, engage, excite, transform.

NH: Why did it form?

TK: Over the past few years, the community of New West started to shift to a younger demographic. People from all over Metro Vancouver started to make New West their city, whether it is for work or to live. N.E.X.T. New West is about connecting young professionals in the community and making them aware of the great products New West has to offer. Our city is changing for the good, therefore we need to start establishing a network that represents and connects the next generation of New West.

NH: Who started it?

TK: Originally, the idea was floated around by me to other colleagues and friends that have a vested interest in New West. Those colleagues told others that might be interested, and we established a founding committee that developed a name and identified what N.E.X.T. represents. On Sept. 10, 2009, we had our very first event at the Drink Urban Lounge.

Since then we have grown to a network of approximately 200 people, averaging around 60 to 75 attendees at each event.

NH: What is your long-term vision for New West?

TK: I see New West as growing, changing, constantly evolving, much like the rest of Metro Vancouver. Becoming a more popular destination for travel, day trips, events and a city that residents continue to feel loyal to and love spending time in.

N.E.X.T. will grow with New West, as we represent the next generation. We, as a group, have already formed a grassroots movement and developed a network of younger folks who foster community.

NH: Are the city's demographics changing?

TK: Absolutely! There are many residential developments that have brought in and will continue to bring in a younger demographic. Plaza 88 and the Pilot House Realty projects are two great examples. The Port Royal development in Queensborough continues to attract young families, and with the Salient Group's Trapp/Holbrook development, popular loft-style living will attract even more young professionals. The business community is evolving as well, with more and more younger entrepreneurs investing in New West. We have some of the best kept secrets in this city, and they are all owned or managed by people in their 20s, 30s and mid-40s.

NH: One thing you'd like to change about New Westminster?

TK: The negative perception. I know it will take a few years to get everyone on the "I love New West" train but there is a positive spirit lingering around our city at the moment, and it will only get stronger. We as a city are top of mind for many developers, entrepreneurs, homebuyers and visitors. Every city has the good and the bad. This city is what you make of it. We all need to be ambassadors as residents and business professionals. Things have changed in New West, and it's time to let the world know about it.

NH: What would you like to see more of?

TK: I'd like to see New West continue to be a hub for young entrepreneurs and professionals to thrive and flourish. It should be the place to live, work and play. I know that term is overused, but, hey, it sure does sum up what our city is becoming.

NH: What will downtown New Westminster look like in 10 years?

TK: Revived. Vibrant. Entertaining. Family friendly. Modern. The hub of the city, it will transform into a fresh downtown that still celebrates our heritage and culture.

NH: What are the key ingredients to create community and enhance business?

TK: Working together and accepting change. In order to create a community, we all must embrace the evolution of our city, together.

NH: What are you most proud of in New West?

TK: Diversity. There are so many amazing citizens that live/work in New West. They come from all over the world and have called New West home whether to live or to start their business. New West is known for our sense of community. Why else do you think our population is growing?

NH: Biggest surprise?

TK: How much the city has changed (in a good way of course). I'm born and raised here and excited for all the new development. It seems everyday there is something new being built or opening up.

Check out the N.E.X.T. event - a 10-pin social at Lucky Strike Lanes on Friday, April 13, from 6: 30 to 8: 30 p.m. Follow N.E.X.T. New West on Twitter, @nextnw, or email [email protected] for more information.