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New West girl wins Little Miss title

Unlike what's portrayed on TV, pageants aren't all drama, pixie sticks and bloodthirsty mothers; in fact, they can be downright wholesome, according to Michele Pearce. Pearce's daughter Izabel was recently named Little Miss B.C.
Crowned: Izabel Pearce, 8, won the Little Miss B.C. title at the National Canadian Girl Pageant held in Richmond.

Unlike what's portrayed on TV, pageants aren't all drama, pixie sticks and bloodthirsty mothers; in fact, they can be downright wholesome, according to Michele Pearce.

Pearce's daughter Izabel was recently named Little Miss B.C. at the National Canadian Girl pageant in Richmond. For three days, girls from all age groups - even girls less than one year old - showed off their smarts, style and talents for judges.

"There was just so many talented young ladies that it was just super nerve wracking," Pearce said.

For Izabel and the other girls at the pageant, the process begins with an interview with judges, and then it's on to a formal introduction on stage. After that, the girls come back on stage for a beauty gown and fun fashion category.

"Then they have (an) optional (portion), where they can do like three or four different things," Pearce said.

Izabel chose to write a speech, which she presented for the judges and audience at the pageant.

"She wrote it about Canada, because she was born in England," she said. "(The judges) actually loved that she had something to say."

One judge was so moved by Izabel's speech that she wrote on the scorecard "You touched my heart, thank you for reminding me of all the great Canadian things we have in B.C.," Pearce added.

Pearce said she believes the speech is what won Izabel the title of Little Miss B.C., but it's hard not to credit all her hard work outside of pageantry.

"She's an aspiring dancer and actress," Pearce said. "And it's totally her call, nothing to do with me. ... She loves performing, so as far as prep, she did quite a bit." The bit, however, is all part of the young performer's lifestyle. Izabel is no stranger to the stage. At only eight years old, she dances with the Royal City Youth Ballet troupe and has high hopes of one day becoming an actress. On top of the dance training she does with the youth ballet, Izabel also takes acting courses to improve her chances of success.

"When I get up (on stage), I think it's so fun," Izabel told The Record.

Izabel said she couldn't believe they called her name for the title.

"(My friend) and I were the last ones on stage, and we were kind of giggling."

Now that they have their crowns, Izabel and the other Little Miss winners will be working on their charity work, specifically the annual charity Christmas pageant in December.

Izabel said she's excited to get started on the fundraiser, and of course, to get back on stage.