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Special visit by lieutenant-governor in new year

Judith Guichon, lieutenant-governor of British Columbia, will help The Royal Westminster Regiment kick off 2013.

Judith Guichon, lieutenant-governor of British Columbia, will help The Royal Westminster Regiment kick off 2013.

To celebrate the start of 2013 and the beginning of its 150th year, The Royal Westminster Regiment will host a New Year's Day levee at the Armoury. The province's lieutenant-governor will welcome members of the public, civic and military dignitaries and friends of the regiment at this traditional event.

"We are absolutely delighted Her Honour has accepted our invitation as our special guest for this year's levee," said Col.

Karen Baker-MacGrotty, honorary colonel of The Royal Westminster Regiment. "As the regiment commences a significant milestone of 150 years of service to our great nation, this is an extremely symbolic visit confirming the close historical ties of the regiment with the Queen's representative for British Columbia."

Guichon will also host the annual levee at Government House in Victoria on the same day, so the levee at the Armoury in New Westminster will take place on Tuesday, Jan. 1 from 4 to 6 p.m. Light refreshments will be served and the band of The Royal Westminster Regiment will perform.

People are encouraged to arrive early to avoid what's anticipated to be a long lineup. The Royal Westminster Regiment encourages guests to bring food contributions to sup-port local food banks. Donations will be accepted at the door upon entrance to the levee.


The New Westminster firefighters hockey team held its own against the Vancouver Canucks Alumni.

The two teams faced off at Queen's Park Arena on Nov. 30 for the 2012 Hydrant Cup. The New Westminster Firefighters' Charitable Society organizes the event that's held every two years.

"This is our single largest fundraiser that we hold. We still haven't got the numbers in yet," said firefighter Glen Bailey, president of the charitable society. "The schools have an opportunity to sell tickets. With every ticket they sell, they get half the money."

Bailey said the Hydrant Cup enables the society to touch a lot of lives. In addition to the schools, he said the event raises funds for the charitable society (which disperses funds to numerous community organizations), makes monetary contribution to the Voices of New Westminster group that supplied youth musicians for the event, and to the Canucks alumni.

On the ice, the firefighters showed fans they've got skills beyond firefighting.

"These fireman can really play hockey," commented one spectator.

Kirk McLean and Cliff Ronning were among the players who suited up for the Canucks Alumni squad.

"The Canucks did a really good job of controlling the game and allowing us to be in it," said Bailey. "They can turn it on and off whenever they want."


The Royal Westminster Regiment and the congregation of Holy Trinity Cathedral recently came together to bless a new book about the regiment.

For King and Country: 150 Years of the Royal Westminster Regiment is being published to celebrate the founding of the regiment's predecessor in 1863. A pictorial history, the books is being printed in full colour.

Karen Baker-MacGrotty, honorary colonel and chair of the Celebration 150 committee, and Sgt. Rob Harley, editor in chief, presented the book proof to John Bailey, rector at the cathedral, for a ceremonial blessing at the Nov. 18 church service.

"It was a glorious and symbolic occasion to bring together the regiment and our church in a ceremonial blessing of our commemorative book," Baker-MacGrotty said in a press release. "The regiment's relationship with Holy Trinity Cathedral dates back to the beginning of our history in 1863 and this strong bond has continued to this day. It was an emotional and spiritual moment for all present, especially as it occurred during our regiment's anniversary week. I can only imagine how proud all the members of the regiment who have passed before us would feel. It is a wonderful thought to know their services and sacrifice have been captured for all time in this legacy project of our Celebration 150 committee."

The book is currently available for presale and will be officially launched at the beginning of the anniversary year on Jan.

1, 2013. The pre-sale price is $80 but will increase to $100 on Jan. 15. Books can be ordered online at or at the Armoury at 530 Queens Ave.


Federal NDP leader Tom Mulcair dropped by the Royal City during a recent visit to the west coast.

Mulcair, leader of the Official Opposition, spoke at the New Westminster-Coquitlam and Port Moody riding association's annual general meeting and townhall on Nov. 29. New Westminster-Coquitlam MP Fin Donnelly hosted the event, which was held in New Westminster.