Looking for some creative ways to enliven the spring break week? Look no further than the New Westminster Public Library.
Drop in to the Spring Break Fun program Break it Down and Build it Up on Tuesday, March 20 at 10:30 a.m. for ages four to 10. And take home these and other activity ideas.
Add some sparkle to your window with CD suncatchers or decorate your room with a crazy coil photo string. You can find these and other great ideas to jazz up kids' rooms in Rock Your Room, by Laura Torres. Or, for funky clothes ideas, try Rock Your Wardrobe, by the same author.
Need some puppets for a play? Try making spoon family puppets or bloomin' egg people (both from More Incredibly Awesome Crafts for Kids, by Carol Dahlstrom).
Need a tiara for your little princess? Or a fire-breathing dragon hat for her brother? Try Princess Crafts, by Elizabeth Hauser.
Want to make lavender pillows or sachets to sooth troubled sleep? Complete instructions can be found in Creative Crafts for Kids, by Gill Dickinson.
Shell flowers and other crafts using natural or recycled materials can be found in Snips & Snails & Walnut Whales, by Phyllis Fiarotta.
Ideas for growing plants can be found in Linnea's Windowsill Garden, by Christina Bjork.
For those who want to try their hand at drawing, whether manga, monsters or cartoons, have a look at the Drawing Manga series by Peter Gray, The Big Book of Cartooning by Bruce Blitz, How to Draw Comic Book Heroes and Villains by Christopher Hart and many more. For more ambitious artists, there is The Art of Making Comic Books, by Michael Pelowski.
If you have some budding chefs at home (or want to encourage some), try Ready, Steady, Spaghetti, by Lucy Broadhurst or The Kids' Multicultural Cookbook, by Deanna F. Cook.
For some international projects, try making a bamboo strip book or an Incan Quipu (from Kids Around the World Create, by Arlette N. Braman).