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New West crime: Some crimes increase, while others show improvement

Weapons offences and robberies have decreased in New West, but some thefts and assaults have increased in 2024.
The New Westminster Police Department provides statistics to the police board at each of its meetings.

The good new is there’s been a decrease in the number of property offences in New West in the first five months of 2024 compared to last year. The bad news is there was an increase in persons offences.

The latest crime statistics report to the New Westminster police board started there had been a total of 738 monitored property offences between January and May 2024, an eight per cent decrease from 799 in 2023.

The same report showed there had been a three per cent increase in total monitored persons offences, rising from 298 in 2023 (January to May) to 307 in 2024.

At its June meeting, the police board received a report with the latest statistics from the New Westminster Police Department. The report included statistics from January to May 2024.

The Record has contacted the New Westminster Police Department for comment on the statistics. More to come.

According to the report, there were 81 total persons offences in May 2024.

Here’s a look at some of the “persons offences” reported in May 2024, as well as some year-to-date totals. (Unless otherwise noted all comparisons are between January to May 2024 and 2023.)

  • Homicide or attempted homicide: None reported in 2024 or 2023.
  • Sexual assaults: May 2024 – five incidents. There were 25 reported from January to May 2024, a decrease from 32 in 2023.
  • Assault – common: May 2024 – 50. There were 194 reported from January to May 2024, an increase from 158 in 2023.
  • Assault – with weapon or causing bodily harm: May 2024 – 24. There were 76 reported from January to May 2024, an increase from 72 in 2023.
  • Assault – aggravated: May 2024 – one. There has been one reported in 2024, a decrease from five year-to-date in 2023.
  • Robbery: May 2024 – one. There were 11 robberies reported from January to May 2024, a drop from the 31 in 2023.

The May 2024 statistics report showed a decrease in two categories related to domestic violence.

  • Domestic violence: May 2024 – 32 incidents. From January to May 2024, there were 179 reports of domestic violence, a decrease from 264 in 2023.
  • Family violence: May 2024 – 14. From January to May 2024, there were 94 incidents, a decrease from 119 in 2023.

According to statistics from the New Westminster Police Department, three weapons offences were reported in May 2024. The year-to-date total shows 28 weapons incidents in 2024, a decrease from 40 incidents in 2023.

The report to the police board stated there had been 738 property offences reported in New West from January to May 2024 – a decrease from the 799 incidents reported during the same timeframe in 2023.

A total of 196 monitored property offences were reported in May 2024.

Here’s a rundown of some of the property offences statistics included in the recent report to the police board:

  • Break and enter – business: 12 in May 2024. There have been 51 in 2024, a drop from 55 in 2023.
  • Break and enter – residence: eight in May 2024. There have been 27 in 2024, down from 35 in 2023.
  • Break and enter – other: six in May 2024. There have been 31 in 2024, an increase from 27 in 2023.
  • Theft of vehicle: 24 in May 2024. There have been 63 incidents in 2024, an increase from 49 last year.
  • Theft from vehicle: 42 in May 2024. There have been 138 incidents in 2024, a decrease from 250 in 2023.
  • Theft – other, over $5,000: One in May 2024. There have been eight in 2024, down one from nine in 2023.
  • Theft – other, under $5,000: 68 in May 2024. There have been 237 incidents in 2024, up from 169 in 2023.
  • Mischief over $5,000: One in May 2024. There have been two incidents in 2024, down from seven in 2023.
  • Mischief under $5,000: 34 in May 2024. There have been 181 incidents in 2024, down from 198 in the same timeframe in 2023.

The report also included statistics from traffic offences. It stated there had been 288 incidents, which includes fatal (one), non-fatal and all other collisions, in the first five months of 2024.

Between January and May 2024, New Westminster police officers have also responded to a variety of “other non-criminal offences” incidents. These include: bylaws – 107; false alarms – 278; missing persons – 106; mental health related – 461; disturbed person/attempted suicide – 234; sudden death – 59; domestic dispute (no assault) – 126.

At each of its monthly meetings, the New Westminster police board receives a report from the police department detailing the latest month’s crime statistics.

The reports reflect police records as of the day the data was collected, so the numbers may change over time.

Acting Chief Const. Paul Hyland told the Record last year that the NWPD supplies the monthly statistics to the board as “snapshots in time” for some specific identified call types that the department actively monitors for analytics purposes, such as where and when to best deploy its resources. He noted that not all police call categories are covered in the monthly crime statistics report.

How about the downtown?

Crime and public safety concerns about Downtown New West has made headlines and garnered considerable comments on social media, but what do the statistics say?

A report to the police board provides downtown-specific statistics for May 2024. It also shows the increase or decrease in certain crime categories for January to May 2024 and the same timeline in 2023.

Here’s a look at New Westminster Police Department statistics for downtown New West for May 2024.

  • Assault – common: 21 in May 2024, up from 13 in May 2023. All totalled, there have been 66 incidents in 2024, which is an 18 per cent increase from 2023.
  • Assault with a weapon or CBH: 10 in May 2024, up from six in May 2023. All totalled, there have been 32 incidents in 2024, which is a 14 per cent decrease from 2023.
  • Assault – aggravated: one in May 2024, up from zero in May 2023. All totalled, there has been one incident in 2024, which is a 75 per cent decrease from 2023.
  • Robbery: none reported in May 2024, down from three in May 2023. All totalled, there have been four incidents in 2024, which is a 78 per cent decrease from 2023.
  • Break and enter – business: six in May 2024, up one from five in May 2023. All totalled, there have been five incidents in 2024, which is a 16 per cent increase from 2023.
  • Break and enter – residence: zero in May 2024, down from three in May 2023. All totalled, there have been five in 2024, which is a 13 per cent decrease from 2023.
  • Theft from auto – over and under $5,000: 13 in May 2024, down from 16 in 2023. All totalled, there have been 41 incidents in 2024, which is a 13 per cent decrease from 2023.
  • Theft – other – over and under $5,000: 24 in May 2024, an increase from 14 in 2023. All totalled there have been 86 incidents in 2024, which is a 39 per cent increase from 2023.
  • Mischief – over and under $5,000: 14 calls in May 2024, down one from 15 in May 2023. All totalled, there have been 61 incidents in 2024, which is a nine per cent increase.
  • Mental health related:24 in May 2024, an increase from 20 in 2023. All totalled there have been 136calls in 2024, which is a 35 per cent increase.