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New West surveying residents about proposed Uptown revamps

Have your say about public realm proposals for Belmont Street and Uptown New West
Rendering of the public realm improvements being proposed Uptown.

The City of New Westminster is seeking feedback about public realm improvements being proposed in and around the controversial Belmont Street Parklet.

Community members are invited to take an online survey to share their feedback on the proposed designs for the public realm improvements planned for Sixth Street and for the permanent Uptown Plaza on Belmont Street. An online survey, which is expected to take five to 10 minutes to complete, is open until Monday, Oct. 9. 

Folks are also invited to attend two upcoming pop-up events:

  • Saturday, Sept. 23 from 1 to 3 p.m. on Belmont Street
  • Wednesday, Sept. 27 from 4 to 6 p.m. outside Westminster Centre, 555 Sixth St.

The city created a parklet on Belmont Street, next to the Tim Horton’s at Sixth and Belmont streets, in July 2016. In response to concerns from neighbours about undesirable activities in the parklet, the city redesigned the public space in July 2019.

In 2020, city council endorsed the Uptown Streetscape vision and in 2021, the city began engaging with the community about public realm design elements proposed on Sixth Street, from Sixth Avenue to Belmont Street.

Now, the city is seeking feedback to help finalize the designs for the space. The plans include wider sidewalks, seating areas, more street trees and greenery, new lighting and open, programmable spaces.

“Changes are coming on Sixth Street and in Belmont Plaza in Uptown! This project will reimagine Sixth Street between Sixth Avenue and Belmont Street, and Belmont Plaza, to orient this area more clearly towards the public realm and walking, with more flexible uses and improved accessibility,” said a notice on the Be Heard New West website. “Proposed features include an expanded, permanent Belmont Plaza, widened sidewalks, improved lighting, more seating, temporary road closures for special events, and prioritization for pedestrians at the intersection of Sixth Street and Sixth Avenue.”

According to the city, public realm improvements on Sixth Street and an expanded Belmont Plaza are being considered at the same time to ensure these public spaces work well together.

Approved earlier this year, the City of New Westminster’s capital budget includes $290,070 in 2023, some for temporary upgrades, including painting, of the Belmont Street Parklet but most for design work related to the permanent plaza on Belmont Street. The budget also included $4.2-million in 2024 for permanent streetscape improvements on Belmont Street, Sixth Street and Sixth Avenue, including intersection improvements at Sixth and Sixth.

While some community members have supported the creation of a public space in uptown new West, others have voiced concerns about nuisance behaviours, smoking and activations of the Belmont Street Parklet since it first opened and have called for it to be removed.