How can you support your children when you feel in need of support yourself?
Parents and caregivers in New Westminster are getting a little help answering that question with a new Parents’ Night Out session.
The presentation, Nurturing Emotional Resilience and Well-Being for Ourselves and Our Children, is taking place via Zoom on Thursday, Feb. 4.
It’s presented by Suzanne Vardy, a clinical counsellor, and Miriam Miller, a parent, teacher-educator and researcher. They’ll be looking at strategies for parents to use at a time when “social connections are limited, COVID fatigue is high and emotional resources are low,” as an event write-up notes.
“This past year’s ‘unscripted’ nature has left many children and adults feeling anxious, overwhelmed and stressed,” it says. “This session explores ways to nourish our own emotional health and considers ways to embed simple, practical strategies in our homes, so we might build emotional resilience and well-being for ourselves and our children.”
It’s free for all caregivers in New Westminster, and anyone who wants to take part is asked to register ahead on Eventbrite. Registered participants will receive the link by email. It runs from 6:30 to 8 p.m.
Parents’ Night Out events have been taking place in New West since 2007, organized by a committee that includes representatives from the district parent advisory council, Fraser Health, the New Westminster Police Department and the New Westminster school district.
Follow Julie MacLellan on Twitter @juliemaclellan.
Email Julie, [email protected].