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Winter snow arrives in New Westminster

But there's not enough for kids to get a snow day off school – and it's all expected to turn to rain later

Mother Nature dropped a soft white blanket of snow on New Westminster overnight – but it's not expected to last long.

The city woke up to a Monday morning snowfall ranging from a light dusting to a few centimetres, depending on the neighbourhood.

But, with temperatures now hovering just above freezing, the forecast calls for mixed precipitation this morning, turning to rain in the afternoon.

For those travelling by vehicle today, main roads have been cleared, and the morning commute hasn't seen too many disruptions so far.

TransLink has issued a general advisory about travel on bus and SkyTrain, noting that commuting may be affected by the weather.

"We continue to salt and sand bus loops and SkyTrain stations, but please use caution in these areas; there may be extra crowding on some bus routes and SkyTrain platforms during this mornings rush hour," a morning travel advisory says.

And New Westminster schools tweeted bright and early so parents could deliver the potentially disappointing news to their children: Yes, schools are in session today.

"All our schools remain open today. But make sure to bundle up and travel with care on what may be slippery roads or sidewalks," the district announced.

If you're wondering what winter-weather procedures are at New Westminster schools, be sure to check out the district's post regarding inclement weather protocols.

The city is also reminding residents that homeowners and occupants are responsible for clearing the sidewalk in front of their homes by 10 a.m. 

For full city snow removal details, check out the city's guide online.

Follow Julie MacLellan on Twitter @juliemaclellan.
Email Julie, [email protected].