Dear Editor:
For far too long I had believed that Keith Baldrey had missed his date with destiny, but I am beginning to think that he has now, finally, found his pace.
It used to be that he would approach sensitive issues in a kind of crabwalk, like so many others in the media. But his opinion piece in the Nov. 13 edition (Funding talk, not action, for youth) is one of his most straightforward ever.
Discussing the latest report by Mary Ellen Turpel-Lafond regarding the misappropriation of funds for services for aboriginal youth, he excels in explaining the "disconnected relationship between governments of various levels and First Nations" and the "political cautiousness (that is) ingrained in the relationship."
He goes on to note that "First Nations must share in the responsibility for this situation." He continues to brashly note that "in many instances there is a complete failure of leadership among their leaders."
There now; that wasn't so hard, was it? May God replenish his inkwell!
Larry Bennett, Burnaby