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Borrowing $59 million too risky

Dear Editor: I am writing to express my dismay that city council has approved an additional $59 million in borrowing in order to complete the office tower over the new civic centre.

Dear Editor:

I am writing to express my dismay that city council has approved an additional $59 million in borrowing in order to complete the office tower over the new civic centre.

This is a risk too big to put on the shoulders of the city's taxpayers. Regardless of all the rhetoric supporting this decision, I, for one, completely disagree and stand with those who oppose it.

There's not much point going over all the facts and figures, which have already been published several times, but rest assured that those who supported this decision most likely won't be around to pay for it. Instead, it will fall on the shoulders of future generations.

What I would suggest is that all those voters who graciously supported James Crosty and myself in our campaigns for the mayor's chair in 2011 to cast your vote again by downloading or picking up an opposition form from city hall or from Mr. Crosty's business office.

If you all do that (James and I totalled 3,965 votes in the 2011 election) that will nearly meet the number required, and I know, from speaking to numerous people, that many of those who did not vote for us oppose this "alternate financing plan."

If we all get up off our couches, we can defeat this decision and have the proposal go to referendum (as it should).

The voters (all of them) did not vote to give council the mandate to make this very risky decision. I strongly urge you to oppose the financing plan and, in doing so, think of the future of our young families and of those who will end up paying for this nonsense.

Vance McFadyen, New Westminster