Dear Editor:
Re: Hells Angels at 12th Street Music Festival, The Record, Aug. 17.
It takes a bigger man to apologize, and a smaller one not to accept it! My apology was published a week before this article brow-beating an oversight in regard to a booth being present at the 12th Street Festival (one booth out of 107).
My apology was sincere and based on my recognition of an oversight.
The comment from Mayor Wright attaching a Kelowna incident to 12th Street is ridiculous and suspect of political grandstanding. It has brought negative attention for the city, from here to Regina.
I can understand the need for a public position on the issue due to the citizens who had complained, however, the malicious manner in which it was written and presented is over the top.
Yes, I heard complaints about a few things -loud music which many enjoyed and the cost of pony rides, however, complaints are common in any event. At no time did Mayor Wright, Coun. Bob Osterman, or anyone for that matter, approach me at the festival and request this booth be asked to leave.
Their level of hindsight equalled mine. At no time have I been called by this newspaper, Mayor Wright, or a "shocked" Coun. Bob Osterman for my comments. This leads me to believe the recent article and accusatory comments after the fact are typical of political smearing.
As for Chief Dave Jones' comments, I take his concerns seriously as well as his letter to the police board. I have great respect for our police chief and have commended Dave Jones on many occasions,
and as well the police on the street.
The points he mentioned were valid and constructive and not said in the same malicious vein as others.
If our elected officials and their backers fear the possibility of me running for a right-wing position on council, then these political comments may be just that à political. However, if not they should be progressive and lobby for the good they themselves have brought to the city, and not bring attention to a single negative oversight by a very community spirited citizen. "Accept the fact that some days you're the pigeon, and some days you're the statue." I have, and will still enjoy the great festivals New Westminster is known for.
John Ashdown, New Westminster