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Building tower makes sense

Dear Editor: Re: City moves ahead with centre plan, The Record, July 18. I keep getting asked to sign a petition to try to force the New Westminster city council to get a referendum vote by the public before the city borrows $59 million.

Dear Editor:

Re: City moves ahead with centre plan, The Record, July 18.

I keep getting asked to sign a petition to try to force the New Westminster city council to get a referendum vote by the public before the city borrows $59 million.

This money is to finish the upper floors of the New Westminster civic centre on Columbia Street.

When I asked questions about the petition for $59 million, I was told that to borrow money was a bad idea.

My next question was: "Who told you?"

"We were at a meeting, and we don't know who sponsored the meeting, but they didn't like the idea of borrowing money."

I could tell immediately that they had not done their homework.

I also see in the local paper that it will be commercial office (space), but it is my opinion that with it being next door to the SkyTrain I am sure it will be office and residential space, and if they don't sell, they can be rented. Rental or sales, either way they pay the mortgage.

As I see it, we must build the upper floors as we will be paid for the parking area and the first and second floors with lottery and provincial government money; however, these funds come with strings attached.

Some of the money is to be spent on Columbia Street to build a new Civic Centre and some to be spent in the Moody Park area and the rest in Queensborough, but no money for future maintenance.

If we don't build up, who is going to pay for the maintenance? As far as I can see, it will be the taxpayer, and let's say that considering lights, power, cleaning, security, water and general upkeep, it would appear the cost would run in the neighbourhood of $3 million per year. In 10 years we will have paid $30 million and in 20 years we will have paid $60 million, which is basically the same amount of money that we intend to borrow now, build up, and the revenue from the sales or renters will take care of the yearly cost. Looking at the big picture, it would appear that a few wannabes from past elections are in payback mode following (Bill) Vander Zalm's recall coattails; all this for possible future political gain.

I am a little confused in my mind as to why we had an election in November last year and elected a mayor and six council members who have all the facts and now certain people are trying to outguess them without the facts. We may not always agree with the council, but they were elected by New Westminster people, and to me that's called democracy. In my mind, the choice is simple. Build up or pay extra taxes for the next 50 years.

Earl Marshall, New Westminster