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City council: stop socialist plans

Chris Bell has only touched the tip of the inequalities of the city's fair living wage policy (re: Resident says living wage policy violated, The Record, Feb. 1.) This policy was introduced by Coun.

Chris Bell has only touched the tip of the inequalities of the city's fair living wage policy (re: Resident says living wage policy violated, The Record, Feb. 1.)

This policy was introduced by Coun. Jaimie McEvoy more than a year ago when he donned his Star Trek tie and pledged to go where no other has gone. Well he was right, a year has passed and no other city in this region has gone there. They know better.

Labor unions nationally (CUPE is no exception) favour fair living wage legislation because it reduces the difference between union wages and non-union, which increases the unions' ability to compete for city contracts.

It is also a way to halt privatization of public services/contracting out. Why do unions and this council feel it is within their mandate to dictate this policy, when it impacts so few workers residing in the city but is a drain on city funds?

It's time for this council to justify the real cost/benefits of this policy now and into the future.

Tell us the benefit of adding $40,000 for a union position to provide sandwiches for staff, which was previously contracted out. Tell us about the $60,000 cost to bring jail custodians up to fair living wages. Tell us now what we can expect at the civic centre or Pier Park? A tube steak vendor forced to pay $18 per hour instead of allowing free enterprise to survive and pros-per?

Do all workers have a spouse and two kids that qualify for a fair living wage? Many workers do not.

Businesses have a B.C. labour code to live by, and if the minimum wage is insufficient (and it is, for other than job entry positions), lobby for increases through the provincial government, not New West taxpayers.

Are we now expected to subsidize contractors and their staff, who in most cases live and do business outside of New Westminster. Is this just an example of the union-affiliated NDP gutting the labour code at our expense?

I suggest, rather than taxpayers picking up this cost, the unions with their high wage and benefit packages subsidize the fair living wage. They benefit the most by it. Each public service worker could contribute to this cost. That would be a more equitable fair living wage.

It will be interesting to see what happens to the flaggers at the civic centre.

Council and staff will be looking into this. I suspect there will be a new fair living wage department complete with a high priced manager and CUPE staff established to scrutinize this flawed policy.

More union jobs, more costs.

Unions need to encourage their members to reside, spend, and support our economy as opposed to simply dictating civic government policy.

As for this city council, start supporting businesses and the taxpayers and stop trying to turn New Westminster into a bedroom of socialists while our highest paid siphon revenues to other communities. We can't afford it.

John Ashdown is a resident of New Westminster.