Dear Editor:
I'm not a fan of the idea of painting the columns in the Front Street parkade.
The stark and bold architecture of the Front Street parkade embodies one of the latest concepts in modern design. Movies film continuously on Front Street - even when government tax breaks dissolve - because of the gritty "industrial look" that passes as a slice of Pittsburgh, Detroit, New York, San Francisco or, in the case of Godzilla (the feature film being filmed on the street from June 10 to 18), Tokyo. Films like New Moon, I Robot, Shooter and Godzilla, do more than a coat of paint ever could to put New Westminster on the map. I asked Ken MacAlpine, location manager for the current shoot, if they would be filming on Front Street if all the columns were painted green.
"Definitely not," was his reply. To quote from Creative B.C. - formerly known as the B.C. Film Commission - "New Westminster is a film-friendly city with unique locations, including heritage buildings, gritty street scenes and riverfront locations within a 10-block radius."
Every week, all summer long, (when we are not inundated with big budget or low-budget films) fashion models and wedding parties can be seen primping for photographs on Front Street. Why are they there? Beauty - as is the gorgeous view of the park and river - is enhanced by contrast with the "industrial look" of the mid-century modern parkade.
Why kill a cash cow with a splash of paint?
We need some creative solutions, like making the top of the parkade into a green space or public gardens. The top of the parkade could become an actual extension of the new Pier Park, with the proposed walkway to connect them at the east end. New West will prosper if we celebrate its uniqueness.
Craig Ruttle, Antique Alley