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Cook's remarks hypocritical

Dear Editor: Re: Trustee jumps into fray, The Record, July 27.

Dear Editor:

Re: Trustee jumps into fray, The Record, July 27.

Former councillor and current Voice New Westminster, school trustee Casey Cook's latest comments regarding the relocation of development assistance compensation (DAC) casino monies and delaying earmarked projects is almost laughable, were it not so hypocritical.

How does Cook, after voting against the destination casino in 1998 and the more than $100 million in tourist-related infrastructure monies that came with it, now go on to complain that some of the projects funded by this money are being modified or delayed?

It was the Glen Clark NDP that offered up a limited number of special destination casino licences at the time, and only New Westminster applied.

The B.C. Liberals were in opposition at the time, and Gordon Campbell paralleled Cook's evangelical rants against the evils of gaming and rallied the community of New Westminster to vigorously oppose this project. (Once in government, the Liberals have increased gaming by more than 250 per cent.)

The other two New Westminster councillors that voted against this unprecedented windfall of revenue both went on to join Voice New Westminster for a period of time. It's not much of a stretch to imagine what would have happened if this opposition had just one more deciding vote on council at that time.

The city's collaborations with the school projects, the building of parks, trail networks and community centre expansion are just some of the projects that would not have been possible if not for this 100 per cent casino-funded revenue we have received. This amazing city that's being praised in newspapers and business periodicals across Canada would not be where it is today had the majority of previous councils not steered it there.

Now that Cook joins the fray on the DAC projects debate, he needs to do some soul searching on the morals of gaming, or will he, as Gordon Campbell did, double down for sake of political gain?

Chuck Puchmayr, New Westminster city councillor