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Don't like it? Ignore it

Dear Editor: My apologies to letter writer Pam Cusick (Iranian threat not just rumours, Letters to the editor, The Record, March 16).

Dear Editor:

My apologies to letter writer Pam Cusick (Iranian threat not just rumours, Letters to the editor, The Record, March 16). My March 9 letter was an expression of my shock and concern over the Iran nuclear crisis as it increases the danger of yet another bloody conflict in the Middle East. Just as one vote can make a difference, I hoped that my small letter might encourage a few others to oppose the very idea of war as an option to negotiation and reason.

Only about nine years ago we were told by Western leaders that the tyrannical head of Iraq had a horde of weapons of mass destruction. We were subjected to carefully choreographed "evidence" of the fictional weapons, and the subsequent invasion killed or maimed hundreds of thousands of men, women and children and left millions living like refugees in their own country.

I can't fathom the thinking of anyone who can quietly accept a similar horror in the case of Iran, let alone promote the idea as Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu does, but the parallel is frighteningly obvious.

Still, I regret that I have caused Ms. Cusick to shrug, roll her eyes and laugh. Like me, she has every right to express her opinions, but I wish that she would express them without resorting to insulting personal attacks.

She might find relief in simply ignoring my letters. I certainly plan to ignore hers.

Tony Eberts, New Westminster