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Letter: Eby is right to 'lay down the law' for forest industry

Thank you, Premier Eby, for "demanding an accounting," this writer says.
B.C.'s forest industry has gotten away with too much for too long, this writer says.


Thank you, Premier Eby, for laying the law down on the forest industry. Our unaccountable companies have been getting away with not applying value added to our timber for too long. With their cut-out and get-out quick profit attitude, they have left many mill towns and their employees in the dust.

For years, they have been sending barges loaded with raw logs to countries like Japan while mill after mill was shut down in B.C.

On top of that, with no consideration for the future and climate change, they have left the forests in a mess and failed to decommission logging roads, leaving adjacent highways and communities open to mud slides and flood disasters.

Yes, Premier Eby, as a taxpayer in this province, I thank you again for demanding an accounting by those who have abused this province, its people and our natural resources.

William Zander