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Letter: Let us decide for ourselves how much booze to drink

"May I suggest we can decide what and how much to drink, or not drink, for ourselves."
Two beers a week carries increase risk of death? Let us decide for ourselves how much alcohol consumption is risky, this writer says.


It's 2023 and you want to start telling people that drinking too much (in this case more than two per week) is bad for them? May I suggest we can decide what and how much to drink, or not drink, for ourselves. And eat.

And, as of this week we can carry 2.5 g of hard drugs and I guess use at least that — per day? Is there a recommended weekly dose of coke you'd like to share with us?

The CCSA (Canadian Centre on Substance Use and Addiction) recommendations mean one to two standard drinks per week represent a one in 1,000 level risk of death —  like, flat-out death, cardiac arrest, cancer? Two beers a week?

Wait, who's gonna cover the lost tax revenue if we stop drinking? The WHO says there is no safe level of consumption. Uh, does anyone still care, or trust, what they say?

Sean Schonfeld

📣 SOUND OFF: Will the new Health Canada guidelines around alcohol consumption change your drinking habits? Are you concerned about what it means for you? Send us a letter.