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Letter: New West could be an oasis, but it has 'chicken coop' apartments instead

"Can anybody tell me why and find justification for this? Please?"
New Westminster could be an oasis of greenery, but instead it's seeing more and more "chicken coop" apartments, this writer says.


New Westminster, the Royal City. It could be an oasis in the Lower Mainland, with parks and greenery and river and creeks.

But no! More and are those little "chicken coop" apartments coming up. Shame.

Have you seen Carnarvon Street lately? Cars turning left on narrow street, twice in 100 metres.

Where did those architects go to school? Where did these "engineers" and traffic controllers go to school?

Shame, shame. It's really bad thinking.  Can anybody tell me why and and find justification for this? Please?

Marta Nykl