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Letter: We can't afford a globetrotting PM for 'backwater' Canada

Trudeau makes us look like a "hillbilly cousin," this writer says.
This New West Record reader has some opinions about Justin Trudeau at the G20 — and they're not flattering. Photo Yaraslau Butkevich/iStock/Getty Images Plus

The Editor:

Re: Trudeau at G20

Why does this prime minister, or any previous PM, think that the world needs to listen to a country with less than half the population of Egypt? We are and always have been a backwater of the U.S.A., which is very evident when our PM just "parrots" anything the U.S.A. wants.

So instead of looking like a hillbilly cousin and being ignored (rightly) by the world stage, just stick to administering your own country instead of your ego.

We cannot afford this "world traveller" PM.

Geoff Porteous, New Westminster