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Letters: New West council is letting Bosa push it around

Editor: Re: New Westminster approves extended work hours on waterfront construction site , Record , Feb. 26 An open letter to New Westminster Mayor Jonathan Cote: Here’s a picture from a few minutes ago.
bosa construction site pier west
A group of children walk past the Pier West construction site. GRAHAM WILLIAMS PHOTO


Re: New Westminster approves extended work hours on waterfront construction site, Record, Feb. 26

An open letter to New Westminster Mayor Jonathan Cote:

Here’s a picture from a few minutes ago. A class of kids walking past (the Bosa Pier West) construction site and a construction worker. You’ll notice the teacher with her hands over her ears, while the construction worker has industrial protection on.

They stopped at the orange box to get ear plugs; there were none.

This is the group you’ve just given an extension into late working hours to. The group that disregarded our bylaws nine times in less than eight weeks. The group that promised they could complete a project on time and without using impact hammering, and here they are.

The group that swore they would protect our river ecosystem, that you’re now thrilled to have put the salmon run and other fish reproductive processes at risk.

Are you going to continue to let them run the city, or would you and council actually be interested in making hard choices and telling them they can’t just push us around?

Eagerly awaiting your response.

Graham Williams, New Westminster