Dear Editor:
It has been said that music soothes the savage beast and, as American composer Oscar Hammerstein is quoted in the musical Oklahoma, "All the sounds of the earth are like music."
Those who did not attend last Sunday's classical concert at the Massey with our very own symphony missed a most enjoyable and wonderful performance. I have never heard a better performance, as all sections of the symphony seemed to outdo themselves, as did, in my opinion, the conducting of Jack Jin Zhang.
I write this letter because our symphony, which we are so fortunate to have in our community, is an inspiration and a joy which we need to take advantage of and support.
With dwindling grants from governments for the arts, the symphony, which in the spring of 2015 will have its 100th birthday, needs funds to survive.
But in spite of that and to the credit of the executive and the players, who receive no remuneration, they reach out to the community so that all can attend concerts on the basis of paying what they can afford - by voluntary donation. I know of no other entertainment that is so professional, uplifting, enjoyable and affordable.
So put this date down on your calendar: Friday, Dec. 6, at 7:30 p.m. at the Massey. It will be another wonderful performance, the 14th Christmas Nutcracker dance concert with the Richmond Academy of Dance. There is lots of free parking.
Bill Zander, New Westminster