Dear Editor:
As a business owner, long-time resident and, of course, taxpayer, I just found that I had to voice my concern and disappointment at the deplorable condition of our number 1 business district - Sixth and Sixth.
At approximately 1 p.m. Friday my partner, my 88-year-old mother and I went for a walk up Sixth Street to do our business and personal banking.
While walking, we experienced six panhandlers begging for money between the Royal Bank, east along Sixth Avenue to Sixth Street, to Tim Hortons. Six in less than a block.
Due to the panhandlers' assertive natures, my mom - who is a new fulltime resident of the city and is suffering from the results of several TIAs (Transient Ischemic Attacks) - grew visibly upset and insisted on being taken out of this "place" and asked never to come back.
I can well imagine the reaction of those many seniors at the mall when they come out to that experience.
I, too, was absolutely shocked at the sheer number of panhandlers who have taken over the street and are an obvious indication that our social policies in the city are gravely askew.
In fact, it reminded me of a walk through "old downtown."
Has the problem from downtown just been shifted Uptown? Can we expect these numbers to grow?
Is this acceptable and condoned by city and council?
We continue to hear that New Westminster is changing for the better, but I failed to see that today.
We have been told for more than 10 years that we need more social programs to combat homelessness and poverty, yet with nearly 2,000 services targeted to the less fortunate, we are accosted with these personalities and visuals on a primary business street.
Clearly these programs are failing to provide what these people are needing.
I hope New Westminster council will do something to clean up this experience and give the businesses in this area and those visiting the businesses a pleasant retail experience! I think for the taxes we pay, we deserve it.
Paul R. Thompson, New Westminster