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Public health is vital

Dear Editor: Re: Private vs public health debate on, The Record, July 25. Mr. Baldrey writes that there is "no compelling evidence" that private clinics have inflicted harm on the public system.

Dear Editor:

Re: Private vs public health debate on, The Record, July 25.

Mr. Baldrey writes that there is "no compelling evidence" that private clinics have inflicted harm on the public system. In fact there is extensive evidence that private for-profit clinics draw doctors, nurses, and other health professionals out of the public system, causing longer wait times for most of us who rely on the public system - the exact opposite of "absorb some of the pressure on the public system and keep wait lists shorter."

Private for-profit clinics can provide faster care to those with deep pockets, but they seriously decrease access for the rest of us. And it's important to note that just because patients are using for-profit clinics does not mean they condone them. Some patients are forced to scrape together or borrow the money to "alleviate their suffering" because governments have not made the positive changes to our public system that the evidence and the public in Canada support.

Wait list management, better care for the frail elderly, multidisciplinary community health centres, prevention, rehabilitation - I could go on and on. There are so many good examples. We should not be allowing those with money to get faster care, or be exploiting the vulnerability of patients, by building a for-profit system.

Rachel Tutte, co-chair B.C. Health Coalition, New Westminster