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Put negativity aside

Dear Editor: Re: Letter on Mott misleading, Letters, The Record, Aug. 31. In response to Earl Marshall, as hard as I try and no matter how many times I read Elk Ebert's excellent letter - in the Aug.

Dear Editor:

Re: Letter on Mott misleading, Letters, The Record, Aug. 31.

In response to Earl Marshall, as hard as I try and no matter how many times I read Elk Ebert's excellent letter - in the Aug. 24 edition of The Record - on the flight of business from New West, the depletion of our tax base and the increase in debt, I see no reference whatsoever to my name.

In fact, you seem to be the only one who has kept "my name in the paper." As penned earlier in another letter to the editor, I also agree that it would be refreshing if the city apologists would actually contribute to the serious discussion that more than 2,100 taxpayers are concerned about - high taxes and increasing city debt.

The election was over in November 2011. It's time to put negative personal assumptions aside and work on the current issues.

I continue to firmly believe that the fiscal state of New Westminster is troubling and on the minds of 20 per cent of the voters from the last election. I suggest this situation will continue in the days, months and years ahead.

I would like to say thank you for continuing to keep my name before the public, Mr. Marshall, especially on the matters mentioned above.

James Crosty, New Westminster