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Questioning vaccinations

Dear Editor: Re: Look ahead to winter's flu season, In my opinion, The Record, Aug. 17, by Perry Kendall. After looking at the biography of Dr.

Dear Editor:

Re: Look ahead to winter's flu season, In my opinion, The Record, Aug. 17, by Perry Kendall.

After looking at the biography of Dr. Perry Kendall, I know that this accomplished man is sincere and probably believes everything he has written. Furthermore, if an epidemiologist were to read his letter, I do not see how they could keep from agreeing with each other. But if a neurologist were to read his letter, I assure you that he or she would cringe.

On that subject, I recommend the work of Dr. Russell Blaylock to anyone who is not satisfied with only the government version of things. This excellent and independent neurosurgeon, author and lecturer is board-certified and completed his residency at the Medical University of South Carolina in Charleston.

In one of his scientific presentations, which is available on YouTube under the title "Dr. Blaylock Vaccines and Autism" (in case anyone is interested), he explains the biological mechanism by which vaccination causes neurological degeneration. Whereas the provincial health officer provides no evidence for most of his claims, Dr. Blaylock refers to dozens of peer reviewed studies on the subject.

Vaccination can prime the microglia in the brain for decades, causing an abnormal increase in the excretion and reception of the neurotransmitter glutamate that leads to immunoexcitotoxicity.

Question everything, and may peace be upon you.

Elias Ishak, Burnaby