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Speak with your wallets

Dear Editor: Re: Store owner defends selling Nazi trappings, The Record, Aug. 31. Pauly Benton is delusional if he truly believes that by selling Nazi memorabilia that he is helping to ensure that the Holocaust is never forgotten.

Dear Editor:

Re: Store owner defends selling Nazi trappings, The Record, Aug. 31.

Pauly Benton is delusional if he truly believes that by selling Nazi memorabilia that he is helping to ensure that the Holocaust is never forgotten.

The kind of people that buy swastika T-shirts aren't aspiring historians, but instead are ignorant bigots who wear their hatred with pride.

I am a big supporter of freedom of speech, but it is insulting to the memory of Nazi victims to pretend that his choice of merchandise reflects anything other than a desire to make a buck.

I walked into his store a few weeks ago with my partner and promptly walked out upon seeing the Nazi flag on the wall.

We showed our concern by refusing to shop at such a place and I strongly urge others to do the same.

Mr. Benton may not be concerned about the intentions of his customers but the rest of us should be deeply concerned.

He is free to sell whatever T-shirt or flag he wants to but as consumers we have a collective voice and now would be a good time to use it.

Shane Robinson, email