It was a tense night at last Tuesday’s board of education committee meeting, where the two trustee camps – Voice New Westminster and labour-endorsed trustees – disagreed on whether to bring in a consultant to help move along the district’s strategic plan.
The meeting seemed particularly strained – and long – despite a valiant effort by trustee Jonina Campbell to move the meeting along. I’m not sure if it’s because we are heading into an election year or if it’s the significance of the strategic plan, but it certainly has garnered an awful lot of discussion – and jabs.
It seemed some trustees were ready to pounce on any misstatement for a political stand rather than have a meaningful debate. Anyway, for those who are interested (and apparently few from the district parent advisory council are – when the district held a night last spring to consult with the parents on the strategic plan, no one turned up), click here for the draft strategic plan ton the district's website (see bottom right side of the page).