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The world as seen through Ingrid Rice's eyes

Cartoonist - the job title even sounds like fun. Cartoons, after all, bring back memories of Daffy Duck and Wiley Coyote. But for editorial cartoonists such as Ingrid Rice, cartoons carry political messages wrapped in deceptively simple drawings.

Cartoonist - the job title even sounds like fun. Cartoons, after all, bring back memories of Daffy Duck and Wiley Coyote.

But for editorial cartoonists such as Ingrid Rice, cartoons carry political messages wrapped in deceptively simple drawings.

Rice has honed her skill over the years. She uses her wry sense of humour to spotlight the hypocrisy of politicians and often capture the lighter side of life. Her inspiration is the headlines of the day - in Canada, or around the world.

She is sometimes criticized for going too far by those she has skewered.

But for the majority of readers, she tells it like it is, through a rear-view mirror coloured with cynicism and a dry wit.

The year 2012 was ripe for the cartoonist's picking. On this page and on page seven we've picked just a few of our favourite Rice cartoons from 2012.