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Dear Editor: Re: Prepare for political flashbacks, The Record, Jan. 30.

Dear Editor:

Re: Prepare for political flashbacks, The Record, Jan. 30.

I could not have agreed more with Keith Baldrey on (in my conclusion) his accurate summary/view of the Liberals' personal attacks type of campaign ads towards Adrian Dix and, of course, the NDP as a whole.

Yes, the NDP, in the '90s , without a doubt, made mistakes. I would like to think that it has learned from those mistakes. However, in my opinion, it is also true that the Liberals, during their years in power, have made British Columbians realize that, boy oh boy, the NDP wasn't so bad after all!

When it comes to politics, I believe, we will never have a flawless party.

But one like the Liberals, that thinks it can obfuscate us by trying to cover up one misconduct with an other and by denigrating the opposition, in my opinion, should be shown the nearest exit.

British Columbians are literate taxpayers and not easily manipulated, therefore I would bet my dollar that, in May, they will rise and do exactly that: show the Liberal party "the exit.

Frank Di Cesare, by email