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We all win with the HST

DEAR EDITOR: Re: Who wins with HST?, Letters to the editor, The Record, July 13. Mr. Puchmayr demonstrates an appalling lack of knowledge as to the source of the money that pays for all the government programs like health care and education.


Re: Who wins with HST?, Letters to the editor, The Record, July 13.

Mr. Puchmayr demonstrates an appalling lack of knowledge as to the source of the money that pays for all the government programs like health care and education.

The money comes from businesses big and small and their employees' taxes.

Now am I going to believe a (former) politician with an axe to grind on the GST or business owners working done in the trenches who say the GST helps their business?

A successful business puts more people to work. That's why we all win by keeping the HST.

Howard Smith, New Westminster