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Wine change won't get vote

Dear Editor: I understand that, effective immediately, a person is allowed to bring one's own bottle of wine to a restaurant to be consumed with a meal. I am afraid Mr. Rich Coleman made a huge mistake.

Dear Editor:

I understand that, effective immediately, a person is allowed to bring one's own bottle of wine to a restaurant to be consumed with a meal. I am afraid Mr. Rich Coleman made a huge mistake. The average bottle of wine could be $20, to this you will be asked to pay a corkage fee of approximately $20. So now we're up to $40.

On top of your average meal in a decent restaurant, plus a decent tip, you'll be looking at approximately $100. What about a bottle that's half full? I understand you are not allowed to have an open bottle in a vehicle. So now you have a choice: finish what's left and risk a ticket or leave it behind.

I wish the governments in this country would make up their minds once and for all. One minute we're told to go out and spend to get the economy going, in the next minute it is just the opposite. Save your money, 'cause we're too deep in personal debt. Please make up your mind.

Instead of all this, why not allow beer and wine to be sold in supermarkets? I think Mr. Coleman and Ms. Christy Clark are trying to hard to be re-elected next year. Count me out.

L. Luyten, by email