The pursuit of excellence is not a race with a finish line, but a constant state of pursuing new goals through a focus on learning, growth and improvement.
These are the foundations that have helped Queen’s Park Dental build a reputation here in the Royal City that is second to none for the last half century.
The clinic has been under the leadership of Dr. Darcy Murphy for ten years now. His top-notch team has continued to grow in the intervening years – most recently with the addition of Dr. Lan Li.
“This is a very supportive place,” said Li of her transition as a new member of Queen’s Park Dental. “Everyone is so welcoming and ready to help out, and for that I am so grateful. I can see why patients enjoy coming here, it’s such a welcoming environment.”
Li completed her dental degree at the University of Manitoba in Winnipeg a year and a half ago but has been treating patients since the start of her training four years ago. The profession’s focus on professional development and constant learning was one of the aspects that drew her to the field.
“There’s always new research, new technology and new materials coming out,” she said. “When you have an interest in a field you want to learn and know more.”
Li, who grew up in both China and Canada, says this is an approach that she finds herself drawn to both in the dental clinic and beyond.
“There’s a saying in Chinese that roughly means ‘Live until you’re old, learn until you’re old’ – so basically, never stop learning,” she said. “I make sure that I’m continuously learning and growing to become a better version of myself both professionally and personally. To me, excellence is the desire to improve while staying humble and curious.”
She’s not alone in this perspective: continuous learning, evolution, and change is a focus for all the staff at Queen’s Park Dental. Over the years, the services available there have expanded from family dentistry to implant surgery, oral sedation, BOTOX ® and more.
Being able to provide high quality care to patients – all in a friendly and comfortable setting – is rewarding for Li.
“I put a lot of focus on patient education to provide my patients with information so they can come to the decision that’s right for them. That’s the beauty of working with people – everyone is unique with their own stories,” she said. “I want my patients to have a positive experience. I’m here to help, to work with you. If I can help one person feel less fearful about improving their oral health, then that’s a win.”
A big piece of that puzzle, she says, is the team that she works with.
“Patients know they will be well taken care of,” she said. “Queen’s Park Dental has done a great job of helping patients feel comfortable and enjoy their visit. It’s a very happy environment and it’s great to work in a team that is so supportive.”
The sterling reputation that the team has already built will no doubt continue to grow in coming years and Li says she’s looking forward to being part of that and always striving to offer the very best care possible.
“I’m always assessing how I can provide better service to my patients and how to be a better clinician,” she said.
For more information about Profiles of Excellence and services they provide, please click here.