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Stay cool New West: Heat warning continues with cooling venues open

Heat warning: New West temperatures to soar before easing off later in the week
Heat warning: Temperatures are forecast to close in on the mid-30 in New West early this week.

A heat warning remains in place in New West – with temperatures expected to slowly ease off as week unfolds.

Weatherhood is forecasting temperatures of 33C in New Westminster on Monday, Aug. 14, followed by 32C days on Tuesday and Wednesday.

“A strong ridge of high pressure will remain over the South Coast through Wednesday. Well above seasonal daytime temperatures combined with elevated overnight temperatures will mean little relief from the heat,” said the heat warning issued by Environment Canada. “However, daytime temperatures will be several degrees cooler near the coast due to breezes from off the water.”

To beat the heat, the City of New Westminster welcomes residents to visit cooling venues today. Cooling centres in Anvil Centre, the New Westminster Public Library and the Queensborough Community Centre are open during business hours.

“Temperatures are rising,” said a notice from the city. “Please take precautions to keep yourself cool and hydrated.”

Because of the heat, Century House, one of the city's cooling centres, will be open extended hours this week.


After several 30C-plus days, temperatures are expected to drop to 25C on Thursday and 23C on Friday. The forecast currently calls for 25C days on Saturday and Sunday.

The Record has compiled a list of tips offered by the City of New Westminster and Fraser Health for staying cool on hot days.

According to Environment Canada, three areas of B.C. (Agassiz, Hope Airport and Malahat) set new temperature records on Sunday, Aug. 13.