Name: Douglas (Woody) Woodward
Contact info: 604 516-0801
Email: [email protected]
QUESTIONS (in 50 words or less unless specified)
Tell us about yourself. (100 words)
I graduated from Burnaby South Secondary School in 1967. I went to Everett Junior College and then continued on to the University of Hawaii for 4 years and received my Bachelor of Education (Secondary) in 1972. After returning to Canada I tried out for the BC Lion’s Canadian Football Team. I helped coach football, basketball and track and field at NWSS in 1972-73. As well, I was a TOC during this time. I took a full-time teaching position at Max Cameron Secondary School in Powell River from 1973-74. Then I returned to a full-time position at NWSS from 1974 until ...
What are the top 3 issues facing the New Westminster school board?
Insuring that NWSS is built on schedule for September, 2020. We do not want to repeat the delays that plagued the Fraser River Middle School.
Having another elementary school built as soon as possible as there are too many portables in the district. These portables are taking away outside teaching ...
What do you think this school board has done well?
The Senior Management that has been recently hired are in- mid stream of their careers, which means they are committed for the long term.
What have they done wrong?
The board had not been able to retain senior staff until recently, which led to lack of consistency in long term planning.
What is your position on the school district’s involvement in May Day?
It is a 143-year-old tradition and is a very important event for our city. We might consider changing the celebration day from Wednesday to Saturday, which would allow more people to be involved and less time would be missed in the classroom. Also there are aspects of the program that ...
What three people would you invite to a dinner party? (alive or dead)
- Gordie Howe
- The Queen of England
- Jacques Cousteau
Editor's note: Candidates were given specific word count guidelines and were cut off if they went over the count.