Meet Ellen Vaillancourt, New West Progressives
Name: Ellen Vaillancourt
Twitter: @ellenvaillan
Website: and
Email: [email protected]
Questions (in 50 words unless specified).
Tell us about yourself. (100 words)
A shameless idealist and eternal optimist, my purpose is to connect the dots and transform peopleand places – through co-creative works, dialogue and engagement.
My career has been multifaceted, connecting the dots between my earliest work as a fashion designer, small business owner, teacher and consultant, transitioning to Simon Fraser University’s Office of International Development, managing multimillion $ CIDA funded Economic Development and Women’s Empowerment projects, to operating the SFU Muslim Studies Centre – for which I received SFUs 2012 Staff Recognition Award, to my current role with the City of Vancouver in External Relations and Protocol.
Yours in service, Ellen
What are the Top 3 issues facing the City of New Westminster? (100 words)
Accommodating increased densification through affordable housing options along with creative solutions for mobility and increased traffic through and around our City.
Allowing for “gentle densification” on homeowners’ single-family lots, in keeping with the neighbourhood’s character and mandatory green space.
Requiring developers to provide a community-amenities contributions
Building a sustainable, inclusive and resilient city that will withstand the effects of climate change. This includes social integration, delivering opportunities, safety, and equality for all.
Fostering citizen empowerment through the development of participatory planning processes.
What is the biggest success or failure of the current city council?
The biggest success of this council is the facilitating the comprehensive arts strategy that seeks to ignite the imaginations, spark the passions and harness the creative genius of our citizens building creative economy and in turn, strengthening community and New Westminster as an arts and culture destination.
The City of New Westminster concluded a lengthy official community plan process and is working to implement that plan. With the city’s population projected to grow to 104,000 by 2041, is the city on the right track to accommodating this growth? (50 words)
There needs to be a long-tail comprehensive plan in determining the areas for “gentle densification”, co-op housing, PAL type facilities, towers with amenities that considers the impact on existing and future residents needs as well as the environment. In addition, there need to be measures and metrics responsive to change.
What three people – alive or dead – would you invite to a dinner party? (50 words)
I’d have my brother, who’s struggle with mental illness is heroic and a constant source of humility and inspiration, any one of the refugees I’ve met on the path whose courage, resilience and fortitude makes me fight for a better world, and Martin Luther King whose voice for truth and justice I wish to emulate.
Editor's note: Candidates were given specific word count guidelines and were cut off if they went over the count.