Name: Gurveen Dhaliwal
Email: [email protected]
Facebook: gurveendhaliwal2018
Twitter: @gurbeans
QUESTIONS (in 50 words or less unless specified)
Tell us about yourself. (100 words)
I was born and raised in New Westminster with Queensborough having always been my home. I graduated from UBC with a Bachelor of Arts, majoring in Sociology and minoring in Gender, Race, Sexuality and Social Justice. My educational background, with both my formal skills and first-hand experience within the district, inspire me to advocate for inclusive schools where every student feels like they belong and where our community thrives because of it. I’m passionate about re-run television, community belonging, nostalgic Saturday mornings, and my corgi, Roy. Conversations with strangers thrill me, so please do say hello if you see me.
What are the top 3 issues facing the New Westminster school board?
- Timely completion of current and future major capital projects (NWSS, McBride, overcrowding)
- Smooth and successful implementation of BC’s new curriculum
- Supporting the needs, resiliency and success of our students, specifically with mental health and wellbeing
What do you think this school board has done well? What have they done wrong?
They’ve done a great job tackling capital projects and delivering surpluses, creating a strong foundation for new candidates to build from. Community engagement, consultation and transparency have been good but could be improved, especially with immigrant and working class families, using creative approaches that encompass both modern and traditional methods.
What is your position on the school district’s involvement in May Day?
I’d want to keep May Day, it represents community connection. However, I recognize the challenges involved in the execution/prep of it and the inclusivity conflict. I’d want the district to support the spirit, adapting the content as they see fit through consultation, creative compromises and with consideration to staff/budgetary constraints.
What three people would you invite to a dinner party? (alive or dead)
Lorelai Gilmore (fictional character but still very much alive in my heart)
Barack Obama
Mindy Kaling
Editor's note: Candidates were given specific word count guidelines and were cut off if they went over the count.