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Meet Mark Gifford, Team Cote

Name: Mark Gifford Email: [email protected] Phone: 604-838-0444 Twitter, Facebook, Instagram: @contactgifford Website: QUESTIONS (in 50 words or less unless specified) Tell us about yourself.
mark gifford
Mark Gifford is seeking a second term on the New Westminster school board.

Name: Mark Gifford

Email: [email protected]

Phone: 604-838-0444

Twitter, Facebook, Instagram: @contactgifford



QUESTIONS (in 50 words or less unless specified)

Tell us about yourself. (100 words)

I’m a dad to an amazing Lord Kelvin student, and husband to Tonya, my better half. We love New West for its strong sense of community, diversity, and commitment to kids and families.  It’s great to be involved, whether as Trustee and current School Board Chair, representing New West at local and Provincial tables, organizing events with neighbours, or helping coach soccer. 

My career has focused on improving systems and services that impact the ability children, youth, and families to thrive. By day, I serve as Executive Director of Kiwassa Neighbourhood House, a vibrant community hub in East Vancouver. 

What are the top 3 issues facing the New Westminster school board?

Leadership Transitions: As our board evolves and changes, we don’t want to lose our momentum as a District. We should create conditions for new board and senior management team to work together, listen, and engage the expertise of students, families, teachers, and staff in the future directions of the ...

What do you think you’ve done well as a school board? What needs improvement?

Our District has made huge strides in the past four years, and I’m excited about its bright future. I am most proud of our elimination of our deficit and restored financial health; the six new major school capital projects, including NWSS, built or under construction and on track; our work ...

What is your position on the school district’s involvement in May Day?

As a child, I loved May Day. It was a chance to share a day of activities with students, schools, and generations across our community. As a parent today, I would like May Day to continue in a spirit that better celebrates the resiliency, contributions, and connections between diverse cultural ...

What three people would you invite to a dinner party? (alive or dead)

Nelson Mandela

Maya Angelou

My Grandad

Editor's note: Candidates were given specific word count guidelines and were cut off if they went over the count.