Meet Mary Trentadue, Team Cote
Name: Mary Trentadue
Twitter: @marytrentadue
Email: [email protected]
Questions (in 50 words unless specified).
Tell us about yourself (100 words)
I am currently serving my first term as city councillor. My husband, son and I feel incredibly fortunate to live in the Moody Park area where we can walk to shops, the library, school, playgrounds and parks. I am the owner of a small business providing virtual project and administrative management to authors and small business owners. I have served as the co-chair to Lord Kelvin’s PAC and on the board of St. Barnabas Daycare. Our household is busy with sports, dance and incredible city events.
I’m running again because I love this city!
What are the Top 3 issues facing the City of New Westminster? (100 words)
1. Housing Affordability - As land values go up it becomes harder for people to access housing. City council needs to pursue creative and bold policies to create room and security for everyone.
2. Childcare Availability - Childcare is a very big challenge for parents. This is a good time for the city to partner with other governments and prioritize this work.
3. Traffic, Traffic, Traffic – We hear about this often. The city has made great strides in dealing with traffic issues. We have to continue to plan for traffic management locally and to advocate regionally.
What is the biggest success or failure of the current city council?
I am proud of many successes:
Revitalization of Front Street
Public Art Projects
Increased townhouses designation
Laneway houses throughout City
Q to Q pilot project
I’m especially proud of the work concerning renovictions and demovictions. It is important we stay ahead of this trend and protect our residents.
The City of New Westminster concluded a lengthy official community plan process and is working to implement that plan. With the city’s population projected to grow to 104,000 by 2041, is the city on the right track to accommodating this growth?
The City has done good work in planning for our future. We still need more zoning for townhouse development, duplexes and triplexes. Not all growth and density should be reflected in towers. We can investigate co-housing opportunities, tiny homes, lock-off suites and other forms of housing.
What three people – alive or dead – would you invite to a dinner party?
Jane Jacobs - to understand her great love of cities and how to make them work
Ijeoma Oluo - so I can learn about others and be inspired
Maya Angelou – to learn about myself!
Editor's note: Candidates were given specific word count guidelines and were cut off if they went over the count.