Meet Nadine Nakagawa, Team Cote
Name: Nadine Nakagawa
Twitter: @NadineNakagawa
Email: [email protected]
Questions (in 50 words unless specified).
Tell us about yourself. (100 words)
I live in the Brow of the Hill neighbourhood, work in a non-profit organization that serves vulnerable people, and am New Westminster’s Citizen of the Year. I am an activist who has worked on housing issues, public green space, reconciliation, and public art. In my previous role as constituency assistant for MLA Judy Darcy, I worked to establish a rent bank and organized townhalls on transit and transportation, housing, and childcare. I have a Masters Degree in Interdisciplinary Studies, have served on a number of city committees, and was president of my Residents Association.
What are the Top 3 issues facing the City of New Westminster? (100 words)
Housing is the top issue this election as residents are feeling an immense amount of pressure whether it’s the escalating home prices, renovictions, or rental rate increases. We also need to work hard to maintain livability which includes access to green space, street trees, transit and transportation — including walkability — and community connections. We have significant infrastructure projects underway and upcoming that we need to ensure stay on budget and meet the needs of the community. These projects include the uptown library as well as the Canada Games Pool and Centennial Community Centre — all well-loved and important amenities in our community.
What is the biggest success or failure of the current city council?
New Westminster has been a regional leader in innovative housing policy such as the small lot supportive housing that is currently being built and the family-friendly building policy. We should now explore opportunities to bring in co-housing and to look at a public green space policy with new development.
The City of New Westminster concluded a lengthy official community plan process and is working to implement that plan. With the city’s population projected to grow to 104,000 by 2041, is the city on the right track to accommodating this growth?
The OCP included significant community engagement opportunities, many of which I took part in, and I believe the community got it right. We do need to keep focused on the livability of our city and ensure that the housing is meeting the needs of the community.
What three people – alive or dead – would you invite to a dinner party?
- Rhoda Kaellis - New Westminster housing advocate and namesake of Lookout Emergency Aid Society’s Rhoda Kaellis Residence
- Jane Goodall – animal lover, environmentalist, and researcher
- Professor Wangari Maathai – Nobel Peace Prize winner and founder of the Green Belt Movement for environmental and gender rights