Name: Nikki Binns
Email: [email protected]
Questions (in 50 words unless specified).
Tell us about yourself. (100 words)
I grew up in New Westminster and attended McBride elementary school and now, with my husband of 25 years (Gene), we are happily raising our seven children here. Through the years, I've had extensive community involvement in sports-arts-education and civic activities.
Community-volunteerism: I've worked City Parades; served on Parent Advisory Councils; coached and managed both softball and hockey teams; for years, I've been in charge of overseeing the May Day Royal Suite; I was a member of the SD40 May Day Task Force Review and have participated in many community forums on many different issues.
What are the Top 3 issues facing the City of New Westminster? (100 words)
1. With the number of approved development permits on the books, and the number that are already in the 'pipeline' awaiting approval, I have grave concerns regarding the consequences of the planned densification.
2. In the absence of a strong business community, residential taxpayers cannot continue paying increased taxes year after year to fund an official community plan that is not fiscally responsible.
3. There needs to be a shift in city priorities from development and densification to focus on creating financially sustainable livability for current and future citizens.
What is the biggest success or failure of the current city council?
Amenities/the goal of inclusion; it is most unfortunate that not one piece of equipment was installed for children with physical disabilities at the newly replaced Moody Park playground. Equally important is the need to replace the Arenex for young families and for the well-established Gymnastic/Shasta clubs.
The City of New Westminster concluded a lengthy official community plan process and is working to implement that plan. With the city’s population projected to grow to 104,000 by 2041, is the city on the right track to accommodating this growth?
The consequences associated with over-ambitious growth are numerous. For example: a negative impact on existing traffic volumes; on a per capita basis, decreased access to limited green space and amenities; overcrowding at our schools will be compounded, etc. Without question, a more responsible approach to growth is needed.
What three people – alive or dead – would you invite to a dinner party?
Ellen De Generes - living proof that attitude and perseverance can overcome social barriers and yield success.
Michelle Obama - her moral compass to 'go high when others go low' underscores the kind of leadership we need in today's world.
Canadian Astronaut Chris Hadfield - personifies the adage 'your attitude will determine your altitude'.