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Share & Thrive New West could be the kindest place on the internet

When I took on the job of editor at the New Westminster Record, I knew it would be a bit of a learning curve.
cover thriving

When I took on the job of editor at the New Westminster Record, I knew it would be a bit of a learning curve.

I grew up in Burnaby, and still live there, but have spent a lot of time in New West in the past 49 years, especially since the greatest niece in the history of nieces lives here.

But working for a newspaper means you have to really get to know the community and its readers. So I’ve spent the past few months dining at local restaurants, eating River Market gelato, attending community events, meeting with movers and shakers, eating more River Market gelato, riding the Q to Q ferry, following (and arguing with) local residents on social media and, yes, eating even more helpings of River Market gelato.

Then, one day, somebody told me that if I really wanted to understand New West culture, I’d have to check out the Share & Thrive New West Facebook page.

“Why?” I asked.

“It’s, uh, quirky,” my friend said.

“How so?” I asked.

“I can’t explain it,” said the friend.

So I sent in my request to join Share & Thrive New West, answered their questions about what my connection was to New West and if I would be respectful, and then waited to be accepted.

I was.

My friend was right, it is a Facebook that is hard to explain, but I’ll give it a try.

Who doesn't like Cheese Whiz and olives? - SCREENSHOT

It’s less of a Facebook page than it is a generous spirit.

There’s a brief explanation that sums up the nuts and bolts of the site: “Members may share things, time, talent, and information. (Note: things do not include living beings!) Give generously, share selflessly, and ask freely for what you need. Do not buy, sell, trade, or advertise your business. Ensure what you share follows all our rules.”

Right from the start, that description is the opposite of 90 per cent of everything I see on Facebook. Most postings in my feed are about blasting opinions, promoting businesses or revealing how self-absorbed people are.

Share & Thrive goes in the opposite direction. It’s like a virtual meeting place where people bump into each other online, ask questions about an issue they’re trying to solve, or offer up something they think will benefit other people.

A scroll through the feed on any given day will feature someone asking for help in finding a specific type of old fashion yard gate, tips on how to cut down on waste, advice on training dogs, requests for help in finding a handyman, and an even an urgent call for a white lab coat because somebody was starting dental assistant school.


I even saw one callout by a person looking for a ketchup-themed Halloween costume.

OK, sure, you’ve probably seen a few of these types of posts on your regular feed. The difference with Share & Thrive is the responses I’ve seen there are 100-per-cent respectful and genuine.

With no trolls.

If I posted something on Facebook asking for advice on training dogs, I’d get at least a couple of responses about how it’s cruel to keep dogs as pets and, oh, is your dog a rescue dog because it better be or that person will post about how you’re an awful person who didn’t adopt a rescue dog, blah, blah, blah.

The difference is that on regular Facebook people are looking for a fight or a reason to be outraged. On Share & Thrive, people are just looking to help.

And give stuff away. Like, anything.

Let’s start with food. People don’t like wasting food so Share & Thrive offers a place to share food with other people instead of tossing it out.

Got some cilantro you don’t want, post it.

Got half-used jars of Cheese Whiz and cocktail olives, just come on buy and pick them up on the porch.


It’s not just food, of course. People on Share & Thrive and are giving away furniture, packing material, empty boxes, electronics, clothes, toys, decorations – you name it, somebody is sharing this stuff.

How many times have you purged your house of stuff and just taken it all to the dump?

Share & Thrive offers a way to avoid that and perhaps meet new friends along the way.

I haven’t taken anyone up on their offers yet, nor have I posted anything either. But I’m looking. And I’m feeling the generous spirit and atmosphere of respect.

Way to go, Share & Thrive New West.