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Lively City: Little Mountain Trio at Renaissance Books Saturday

A little blues, a little jazz and a little country all come together as the Little Mountain Trio performs at Renaissance Books this weekend. The trio is set to perform from 7:30 to 9:30 p.m. on Saturday, Jan. 11. Doors open at 7 p.m.
Little Mountain Trio, poster
Top Five: Little Mountain Trio is performing at Renaissance Books this weekend.

A little blues, a little jazz and a little country all  come together as the Little Mountain Trio performs at Renaissance Books this weekend.

The trio is set to perform from 7:30 to 9:30 p.m. on Saturday, Jan. 11. Doors open at 7 p.m.

Little Mountain offers up what a press release describes as "an eclectic mix of original compositions, blues, jazz and country material from three friends who have shared music for over 30 years."

The trio features Kitty King, Dave Lidstone and Rob McGregor on acoustic bass, guitar and mandolin. All three are also singers.

Tickets for the concert are $10. Call 604-525-4566 or email [email protected].

Rensaissance Books is at 43 Sixth St., downtown.



Theatre aficionados have a chance to take in a Western Canadian premiere in New Westminster at the end of the month.

City Stage New West is presenting the Couch Trip Collective production of Freud's Last Session, by Mark St. Germain.

It stars Richard Newman as Dr. Sigmund Freud and Damon Calderwood as British author C.S. Lewis.

The play tells the story of Freud's last days when, dying of cancer, he summons Lewis to his London home to discover why the intellectual and former atheist converted to Christianity.

It will be onstage at Galbraith House, 131 Eighth St. from Jan. 29 to Feb. 9, with two-for-one preview night on Jan. 28.

Leading up to the production, there will be a related lecture at the New Westminster Public Library on Tuesday, Jan. 14.

Monika Hilder from Trinity Western University will be on hand to speak about Lewis, and Mychael Gleeson - a behavioural scientist, counselor, teacher and writer - will speak about Freud.

That's set to run from 7 to 9 p.m.




Love to sing? Parlez-vous français?

Maillardville's francophone choir, Les Échos du Pacifique, is welcoming new singers for its 40th season.

And though it's not in New Westminster, I know there are many Royal City types involved in the choir - and it's just a hop, skip and jump over to Maillardville for rehearsal.

The first rehearsal of the new year is Monday, Jan. 13 from 7 to 9 p.m. at Place Maillardville, 1200 Cartier Ave. in Coquitlam.

For information, call 604-936-6993 or email [email protected]. You can also check out the choir's website at




It was a merry Christmas for City Stage New West this year.

The group's Kickstarter campaign, which you read about in this column in December, was a resounding success.

As you may remember, the theatre group was hoping to raise $3,000 towards the cost of making a professional cast recording of Stump City Stories - the original musical by George Ryan which debuted in 2009.

In the end, with some 66 backers stepping up to the plate, they raised $3,415.

Kudos to everyone involved in the project - we're looking forward to hearing the new CD in the spring!




If you haven't checked out the Music at Queens concert series yet, don't miss the next event.

The Hazeltones band holds a concert and sing-along on Saturday, Jan. 25 at 2 p.m. at Queens Avenue United Church.

The church is at 529 Queens Ave.

Call 604-522-1066 for tickets or information.




Do you have an item for Lively City? Send arts and entertainment ideas to Julie, [email protected]. You can also find her on Twitter, @juliemaclellan.