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New art exhibition takes flight at New West's Anvil Centre

Two artists share their fascination with Pacific Northwest birds in this new exhibition.

Two Metro Vancouver artists with a joint fascination for birds have joined forces for a new exhibition at the Anvil Centre Community Art Gallery.

Avifauna: Sight & Perception is on at the downtown New Westminster gallery until Sept. 20.

It features the work of New Westminster artist Nancy Whiteside and Langley artist Molly Gray, with multimedia works focusing on the birds of the Pacific Northwest flyway.

“From song to pollination to pest removal, each species plays an important role in our ecosystem,” the artists said in a statement. “As our understanding of the avian world is illuminated, so too is our appreciation of this critical role. It is our hope that this exhibit will encourage viewers to consider how we can best protect and appreciate these amazing creatures for generations to come.”

Gray’s relief print and watercolour works are created to scale, allowing viewers to see birds in their real size — rather than the skewed perception we have as we see them at a distance.

Whiteside, meanwhile, offers up acrylic and multimedia work that’s bright and full of movement, inviting the viewer to consider the perspective of avian creatures. Birds are tetrachromatic, meaning they are able to perceive a broader range of the colour spectrum than humans, a press release notes.

“The contrasing perspectives of these artists mirror the complexity and beauty of these truly wonderful creatures, allowing the viewer to be enveloped in the sight and perception that is avifauna,” the release said.

Avifauna: Special events at Anvil Centre gallery

  • Sunday, Aug. 13: Join artist Molly Gray for a live lino-cut carving demonstration from 1 to 3 p.m.
  • Thursday, Aug. 17: Opening reception, 6 to 8 p.m. It’s open to the public, and all are welcome.
  • Sunday, Sept. 10: Join artist Nancy Whiteside for a live demonstration of her transfer drawing process, 1 to 3 p.m.

Follow Julie MacLellan on Twitter @juliemaclellan.
Email Julie, 
[email protected]