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Poetry, art combine in new book

Candice James, Don Portelance launch new work Feb. 1 in New Westminster
Don Portelance, Candice James, Painted Words
Don Portelance and Candice James check out some of the artwork in Portelance's studio. The two teamed up to create a new book, Ekphrasticism: Painted Words, which is being launched Feb. 1.

It's a marriage of words and visual art, and it's being brought to life in New Westminster.

A book launch is being held Saturday, Feb. 1 for Ekphrasticism: Painted Words. It's set for the Arts Council of New Westminster gallery in Centennial Lodge, Queen's Park.

The new work, released by Silver Bow Publishing, features paintings by Don Portelance and poetry by Candice James, New Westminster's poet laureate.

The 178-page book brings to life the concept of "ekphrasis" - in which one work of art describes another.

It contains 82 full colour paintings by Portelance along with 82 poems by James, each inspired by one of the paintings.

"Each full-colour, full-page painting is accompanied by a poem on the page beside it," a press release says. "You will be whisked off into a world of art, colour, words, beauty and inspiration at the opening reception presentation. The marriage of painting and poetry encompassed in this book makes it a must-have for the discerning artistic and literary collectors' libraries."

Books and paintings will be offered for sale at a discounted price at the book launch, and Portelance and James will be available for signing. Portelance will also talk about his paintings, while James will read some of her poetry.

Portelance's work will be on display at the gallery throughout February, with about 35 pieces from the book.

The launch reception runs from 1 to 3 p.m.

For more details, see or email [email protected].